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HR tips for managing staff Christmas functions

HR tips for managing staff Christmas functions

What’s Christmas without a party?

Employers have responsibilities to take all reasonable steps to prevent harassment from occurring and to maintain a safe environment at work functions.

Following are some last minute tips to ensure everyone can enjoy the Christmas spirit!

  1. POLICIES IN CONTINUING EFFECT – Remind employees and guests that your Policies covering Drugs & Alcohol, Harassment and Social Media still apply during work functions and the need to obtain another’s permission prior to posting photos on social media also applies.
  2. FINISH TIME – Set a finish time for the function and clarify in writing that any festivities that continue on are not endorsed by the company and are on the employees’ own time.
  3. TRANSPORT – Ensure appropriate transport arrangements are in place so employees get home safely, list the safe transport options available such as taxi’s and other forms of public transport or organise a bus.
  4. WATER SAFETY – If planning a function at the beach or near water: swimming and alcohol don’t mix. Notify employees that alcohol and swimming is unsafe and not permitted.
  5. UNDERAGE STAFF – Consider if any of your staff are underage and notify bar staff.
  6. ALCOHOL – Ensure that alcohol is served responsibly by providing food and plenty of low alcohol and non-alcoholic beverages options.

If you need help to understand or implement or your obligations, please contact us on: (07) 5530 1571

Merry Christmas everyone!


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